The 11 Fundamental Duties of Indian Citizen

Fundamental Duties

Fundamental Duties were incorporated in the Indian Constitution by the 42nd amendment. There are 11 Fundamental Duties for Indian Citizens drafted on moral, ethical, and cultural codes of conduct followed by people. The duties are educative and direct the citizens to behave virtuously and honorably. 

Fundamental duties imply the moral obligations of all citizens of a country and today, there are 11 fundamental duties in India, which are written in Part IV-A of the Constitution, to promote patriotism and strengthen the unity of India.

Originally, the fundamental duties of India were not a part of the Indian Constitution the 42nd and 86th Constitutional Amendment Acts added them. The list of fundamental rights and duties and the Directive Principles of State Policy are sections of the Indian Constitution that elaborate on the essential obligations of the states to its citizens, along with the duties and rights they hold as Indian citizens.

Just like all citizens have equal rights, they also have an equal fundamental duty to uphold other rights (mentioned under Article 21)and ensure they do not violate these rights. A person cannot expect to enjoy all the privileges and freedom under the law without performing their corresponding fundamental duties.

In the 86th Amendment in 2002, the original 10 duties were then increased to 11, under Article 51A, Part IV-A of the Constitution of India. The 10 fundamental duties are as follows:

  • To oblige with the Indian Constitution and respect the National Anthem and Flag
  • To cherish and follow the noble ideas that inspired the national struggle for freedom
  • To protect the integrity, sovereignty, and unity of India
  • To defend the country and perform national services if and when the country requires
  • To promote the spirit of harmony and brotherhood amongst all the people of India and renounce any practices that are derogatory to women
  • To cherish and preserve the rich national heritage of our composite culture
  • To protect and improve the natural environment including lakes, wildlife, rivers, forests, etc.
  • To develop a scientific temper, humanism, and spirit of inquiry
  • To safeguard all public property
  • To strive towards excellence in all genres of individual and collective activities
  • To provide opportunities for education to children between 6-14 years of age, and duty as parents to ensure that such opportunities are being awarded to their child.

The 11 fundamental duties look at the crisis in Indian society and become a tool for straightening it out. They serve as a source of protection for the liberty of the people.

Need & Importance of Fundamental Duties 

In case there is a violation of fundamental duties, Article 51A of the Constitution categorizes it as contempt of the constitution which is punishable under the Prevention of Insults to National Honour Act, 1971.

It is easy to assume that constitutional duties are similar to the fundamental duty of the Indian citizen. The Indian Constitution provides a list of fundamental rights and duties to the citizens and lays down the State’s duties toward ensuring that these rights are protected and provided equally to everyone.

These duties were drafted along the lines of a moral, ethical, and cultural code of conduct which is to be followed by the people to uphold and protect the sovereignty, unity, and integrity of our country. It also helps the government maintain proper governance and enables the proper functioning of a democratic society.

Fundamental Duty is the responsibility of the Citizens

There was a judgment by the Supreme Court that said that if someone had genuine religious obligations, that can be placed above patriotism, then no one can force them to sing the National Anthem.

It is a citizen’s responsibility to realize that it is in their interest to perform their duties and discharge their 134 legal and constitutional obligations wholeheartedly because only by doing so, individually, can they help the growth of the democratic republic collectively.

Citizens are expected to behave under the ideal code of conduct parallel to the 11 fundamental duties and no legal action can be initiated for non-performance. With the independence of India, dawned the “Ganatantra Raj”, which made each of us responsible for the happiness and welfare of our people.


Q1. What is the difference between Fundamental Rights and Fundamental Duties?

Ans – Fundamental Rights and Fundamental Duties are interrelated and one can’t exist without the other. 

“Fundamental rights can be defined as privileges granted to each individual of the country to enjoy and the Fundamental Duties are the moral responsibilities which one needs to carry out to respect the rights of another individual and perform social obligations,”

Q2. What is Article 51a of the Indian Constitution?

Ans – The Indian Constitution formulated an Article 51a under Part IVA in the 42nd Amendment in the year 1946 completely dedicated to the Fundamental Duties of the citizens. Article 51a lays down all the Fundamental Duties which a citizen should obey and perform in order to thrive towards achieving the welfare of a democratic nation.

Q3. Which Committee proposed to add Fundamental Duties in the Indian Constitution?

Swaran Singh Committee in 1976 recommended Fundamental Duties to be added in the constitution.

Q4. Fundamental Duties are added under which part of the Indian Constitution?

Ans – They are added under Part-IV-A of the Constitution.

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