Let’s Do Voting 2024 – How to do voting online in India? 

Voting 2024

Are you wondering how to vote in the recent elections online? Or are you eligible for it? Learn all the details of the Election Commission’s new initiative of online voting and exercise your right to vote from the comfort of your home.

voting is a fundamental right of every Indian citizen. To make the process hassle-free for every Indian, as much convenience as possible should be provided. In the quest to modernize the democratic process, the Election Commission of India (ECI) has advanced with baby steps toward online voting. It is happening for the first time in the country in the ongoing Lok Sabha elections in 2024. 

Why do we have a Vote From Home Facility?

The traditional method of voting we have had so far presents various challenges. Things such as long queues, geographical constraints, and accessibility issues for persons with disabilities (PwD) and senior citizens. Also, not to mention that the safety of the voters is sometimes at stake in the voting booths.

Now, Think about overseas Indians, number more than one to two lakh, who are also eligible to vote in Indian elections. But most of them are not able to physically appear for voting. According to the EC, roughly 25,000 overseas Indians flew to India during the last Lok Sabha elections to exercise their voting rights.

In such a scenario, online voting can be a solution to promote inclusivity and efficiency in the electoral process. By introducing online voting, the ECI aims to facilitate broader participation in elections, particularly among vulnerable groups such as PwD and senior citizens aged 85 and above. 

Eligibility For Online Voting?

The recent extension of the ‘vote-from-home’ facility by the ECI is mainly focused on Persons with Disabilities (PwD) and senior citizens aged 85 and above. This initiative opens up opportunities for more than 85 lakh senior citizens and 88.4 lakh persons with disabilities to cast their votes through the Electronically Transmitted Postal Ballot System (ETPBS). 

Policemen and soldiers who are away from their homes, and people involved in essential services like metro, healthcare, and railways are also eligible for this facility.

The Election Commission of India (ECI) created ETPBS to make sure all eligible service members can vote easily, even when they are away from their voting area. This secure system sends a complete voting ballot (with all forms) electronically to the service voter.

However, many eligible voters still aren’t aware of how to vote in India in the elections of Lok Sabha through online registration.

Online Voting Step -By-Step?

If You want to participate in the online voting process you need to follow some easy steps 

  1. Need To Fill 12D From
    When you get notified about the election in your area, you have to submit consent by filling out a form called Form 12D within five days. You will find the form on the official website here: (https://www.eci.gov.in). If you’re a person with a disability, you will also need to include a certificate that proves your disability. Once Form 12D is filled out, it shall be submitted to the respective returning officer to whom your constituency belongs. 
  2. You have to wait for the visit from BLO
    After the compilation of the First Process the Bhoot Level Officer. They will come to your home to pick up your vote. They’ll also make sure everything is okay with your application.
  3. Voting at home
    On the day of the election the team of the people [Govt. recruit people] will come to your home along with their security to help you in the voting process. They will get a reminder or SMS before coming to your home so you will be ready for it.
  4. Record Everything
    For security purposes and fair voting, they’ll record the whole process on video.

If you or any member in your family is an eligible voter, they can follow the above steps for how to vote in India Lok Sabha 2024 and successfully participate in the electoral process via online voting. 

In the end, being able to vote online will be a significant advancement in India’s electoral system. Be it the Lok Sabha elections or the Assembly elections. The problems of having to travel to a voting booth, standing in long queues for hours, or taking a day off work will be resolved to an extent. The current online voting process is designed to overcome barriers and make it more seamless. The ‘vote-from-home’ facility for people who direly need it, like senior citizens and PwD, is a blessing and a welcome initiative. Also, with the possibility of expansion of online voting in the future, the ECI will make sure that every citizen’s voice is heard in the democratic process as they say ‘no voter to be left behind’.

If you have any further queries about how to vote online? Drop your questions in the comments below! We will surely connect with you to slove your problems

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