Form of Requisition to call Special Meeting of the Committee to consider Motion of No. Confidence

What is the Form Of Requisition To Call a Special Meeting Of The Committee To Consider the Motion Of No. Confidence?

The requisition to call the special meeting of the committee of society to consider a motion of no-confidence against the President, President, Chairman, Vice- Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, or another officer of the society, by whatever designation called, who holds office by his elections to that office, shall be made in Form M-18.

The committee must, on the requisition of at least five percent (5%) of the total number of members, convene a special general meeting of the association. If the committee fails to convene a special meeting within one month after lodging with the secretary, any one or more of the members who made the requisition may convene a special general meeting to be held no later than three months after that date. Requisition may be on one or several documents of a similar form, and should all be lodged with the Secretary at the one time.

1FORM – M-18

      [See Rule 57A-(1)]

Form of Requisition to call Special Meeting of the Committee to consider Motion of No. Confidence




The…………………………….. Registrar of Co-operative Societies,

We, the undersigned members of the Managing Committee of the…………… ……………………………………………….Society Limited, hereby request you under sub-section (2) of Section 73ID of the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act, 1960 to call a special meeting of the Managing Committee of the said Society to consider the motion of No Confidence against Shri/Smt…………………………………………………………………………President/Vice President/Chairman/Vice Chairman/ Secretary /Treasurer/any other Officer of the said Society.

A copy of the motion proposed to be moved is enclosed.

The motion will be moved by Shri/Smt…………………………………………………………………………………………

And further if required 


  • Ins. by G.N. of 1-1-1988

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