Form of First Information Report Format Download

Form of First Information Report Format

What is Form of First Information Report?

The Form of First Information Report Format also known as an FIR is submitted at the police station to enable the police to take cognizance of an offense. It is written and signed by the complainant and submitted at the police station. Since the first information report (FIR) is something that starts the initial police investigation, it is recommended to contain your report with all the first-hand relevant information that may help the police in the investigation.

When can the FIR be filed?
An FIR must be filed as soon as possible. There is no prescribed time limit as to when should an FIR be filed but prompt action is always recommended.

Where should FIR be filed?
If the offense for which the FIR is to be filed is a cognizable offense then the provisions of the law do not state any jurisdictional requirement. That is, an FIR for a cognizable offense can be filed anywhere in India.

Who can file an FIR?
Any person can file an FIR. It is not mandatory for only the victim to file the same. Even if you are an eyewitness to an offense, you have the right to file it.

The object of Form of First Information Report Format [FIR]:-
The objects of FIR can be summarized as follows –
a) To set the criminal law in motion.
b) To inform the magistrate of the district and the District Superintendent of the Police who are responsible for the peace and safety of the district about the offense reported at the station.
c) To inform the judicial officers before whom the case is ultimately tried about the facts given out immediately after the occurrence and the materials on the basis of which the investigation was initiated.
d) To safeguard the accused against subsequent variations or additions.
e) To obtain information about the alleged criminal activity in order to take suitable action for tracing and bringing the guilty party.

Need for Form of First Information Report Draft Format

The purpose of, FIR is to obtain the earliest account of a cognizable offense before there is an opportunity for the circumstances to be forgotten and embellished. It is well settled that FIR is not a substantive piece of evidence and can be used to corroborate or contradict the statement of the maker thereof. It is also equally established that the trustworthiness of the prosecution story can also be judged from the FIR. Besides first information report is relevant as it may be a part of the res gestae.

For the purpose of summoning someone mentioned in an FIR but has not been charge-sheeted, the FIR can be taken into consideration because it is evidence at that stage. Where an FIR is registered on the basis of a written complaint submitted to the police and there was no mention of the presence of some persons as eyewitnesses in it, it was held that the presence of those eyewitnesses was rightly disbelieved.

  FAQs for Form of First Information Report

Q1. What is the importance of FIR?

Ans – According to Section 154 of the Criminal Procedure Code, in order to initiate an investigation into a cognizable offence or case, a police officer must first receive the First Information Report (FIR) pertaining to the cognizable offence, which can be acquired without the Magistrate’s authorization.

Q2. What should an FIR contain?

Ans – The contents of an FIR include the heading, reference number, parties, name, address, nature, time, and place, the jurisdiction of the offense, signature, and date. The central idea is to inform the accused in a precise manner the offense against him.

Q3. What are the three types of FIR?

Ans – There are many kinds of F.I.R. Some important types are the following:
1. General F.I.R.: General F.I.R. is an F.I.R. logged by the aggrieved party or by the first party against another party in general transactions in the nearest police station.
2. Zero F.I.R.: …
3. Cross F.I.R

Q4. What is the validity of FIR?

Ans – The investigating officer has to give a report to the magistrate on the FIR within 60 days (if the prescribed punishment for the offense committed under law is less than 7 years) or within 90 days (if the punishment is more than 7 years).

Form of First Information Report SAMPLE FORMAT

To The Officer-in-Charge ……………………………..

 (Name of the Police Station)

 Sir This is to inform you that my cycle has been stolen from the cycle stand in the daily market last evening. Last evening, before I went to the market, I placed my green model Hero Cycle in the cycle stand No. 1 as usual. I had locked the cycle. The cycle bears the No. …………………….

I had bought it only a month ago and it was almost new. The cycle had a full gear case, a carrier and a side basket. When such mishap occurred I was buying vegetables in the market. I asked everybody who were present there about the cycle. It was all in vain. I request you to kindly register a case of theft and initiate the necessary investigation to recover the stolen cycle.

Yours faithfully, ________

(Your Name)

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