Consumer complaint Format Download

Consumer Complaint

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What is a consumer complaint?

consumer complaint or customer complaint is “an expression of dissatisfaction on a consumer’s behalf to a responsible party”. It can also be described in a positive sense as a report from a consumer providing documentation about a problem with a product or service.
Customer complaints refer to when a business does not deliver on its commitment and does not meet customer expectations in terms of the product or services. The vital aspect of every business is its clients. For greater success, businesses need more satisfied clients. And the best way to obtain new clients and maintain the existing ones is by providing them with satisfactory service. But how to understand whether your customers are happy or unhappy? A customer complaint emphasizes a problem that might be related to an organization’s product, employees, or internal processes, and by hearing these problems directly from customers, an organization can investigate and improve to avoid additional complaints in the future.

The different types of Customer Complaints

  • The Modest Customer
    An organization should start a conversation using check-in call or by sending a Net Promoter Score (NPS) survey in case of a modest customer who usually avoids submitting a complaint to assess customer satisfaction and actively resolve any complaints.
  • The Aggressive Customer
    Aggressive customers loudly express any complaints and will not accept excuses. So, the organization should initially thank the customer for sharing their concern, then agree on the definition of the problem and explain what is required to resolve the situation and when.
  • The Imprudent Customer
    An imprudent customer is used to complain in a reasonable manner so it is advisable to listen respectfully, acknowledge the existing problem, understand the details of the situation, and resolve the issue as quickly as possible.
  • The Swindle Customer
    An organization should respond objectively in case of the swindle customer because they often look for a handout instead of searching for an answer or satisfactory support experience. If the customer repetitively and constantly says the provided solution is not satisfactory, then use accurate quantified data to back up your response.
  • The Constant Grouch Customer
    The constant grouch customer can never be happy and continuously reports issues. So, in this kind of a situation, an organization should listen to them respectfully, then provide an honest effort to correct the situation.

Need For consumer complaint Draft Format

Consumers play a vital role in the economic system of any nation. Consumers are the key players in the market place and their consumption patterns greatly influence the society and the economy. In the modern philosophy of marketing, consumer is supposed to be the ‘king’ and business is expected to provide maximum possible satisfaction to consumers. Technology has made available a variety of goods and services to the consumers from all over the world, which are only a click away. New products and services throng the market every day, many of which disappear very soon. Coupled, with the revolution in information technology the consumers are facing new challenges, such as cyber-crime, plastic money, unsustainable consumption, global warning etc., which affects them in a number of ways. The consumer who is referred to as ‘king’ is actually a ‘victim’ of the market malpractices. Producers and sellers have only one motto; to maximize profit by engaging in all sort of deleterious practices and producing products that do not meet acceptable quality standards. In order to maximize profits, many businessmen exploit consumers by supplying poor quality goods at higher prices. Consumers are exposed to physical, environmental and other hazards. As a result consumers do not get value for their money.

 FAQ’s for consumer complaint

Q1. How do I file a consumer complaint offline?

Ans – Consumers can call the National Consumer Helpline: 1800-11-4000 or 14404 to register a complaint, except on national holidays. Alternatively, complaints can also be registered through SMS on + 91 8130009809.

Q2. What happens after consumer complaint?

Ans – Every grievance reported through this portal will be forwarded to the appropriate company/agency for prompt resolution. The maximum time limit to arrive at a logical resolution is 60 days.

Q3. How long does consumer court case take?

Ans – The statutory time of two years from the date of the cause of action is not yet expired; A complaint must have the legal competence to be filed, i.e., be sane, solvent, and significant, to be admissible.



App No :………………./……………..        in Complaint No: _______……….




Application under Section 151, Order 38 Rule 1 and 2 of CPC read with Section 13 [4] [I] of The Consumer Protection Act, 1986 for _______ arrest of the opposite parties Nos 1 and 2 before judgment.

Respectfully Sheweth : 

1. That the complainants/applicants have filed the above complaint in this Hon’ble Forum, hearing whereof will take some time. 

2. That when the complaint came up before this Hon’ble Forum on ____________, this Hon’ble Forum was pleased to issue notices to the respondents. 

3. That _______ ____________________________________

4. That seeing the conduct of the respondents Nos. _____________________, the complainants/applicants have reasonable apprehensions that the respondent No. __________ are doing so with intent to delay the complainant and to avoid the process of this Hon’ble Court and obstruct and delay the administration of justice, process of this Hon’ble Forum and execution of order that may be passed by this Hon’ble Forum. It is further submitted that the respondent Nos. ___________ have wound up their business at ____.______________..and are likely wound up their business at ________________ and defrauded their customers of their hard earned money to the tune of crores of rupees. The respondent Nos. ____ are now about to abscond or leave the local limits of the jurisdiction of this Hon’ble Forum and have already disposed of and removed from the local limits of the jurisdiction of this Forum their property. The circumstances are affording reasonable probability that the respondents are about to leave India as there will be multiplicity of litigation against them as they have started their business solely with a view to defraud the customers. 

5. That interest of justice therefore, demands that this Hon’ble Forum may be pleased to issue a warrant to arrest the respondent Nos.________________ ______ and bring them before the Forum to show cause why they should not furnish security for their appearance for enforcing their attendance. 

6. It is, therefore, most respectfully prayed that this application may be allowed and during the tendency of this complaint, the warrant for arrest of respondent No. ___________ be issued and security obtained from them in accordance with law. This Hon’ble Forum may also be pleased to take note of the contempt committed by the respondents Nos. __________________. Such other orders be also passed in favour of the complainants as deemed fit and proper by this Hon’ble Court in the facts and circumstances of the case. 


…………………………………. Applicants

___________________ Through, Advocate 

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