Acknowledging Of Paternity

Acknowledging Of Paternity

What is Acknowledging of paternity?

An Acknowledgment of Paternity is a document that is signed by unmarried parents to establish the child’s legal father. Both parents must voluntarily sign. Before signing an Acknowledgment of Paternity, you may wish to speak to a lawyer. When a child is born, the mother’s husband is automatically considered to be the father. If the father is not married to the mother, he must officially acknowledge paternity. In legal terms, this is referred to as the ‹presumption of paternity›. The father must officially acknowledge the child’s paternity if the mother is not married.

It is not possible to acknowledge paternity if another man is already considered the legal father, i.e. if the mother is married, if another man has already acknowledged paternity of the child, or if the child has been adopted. Please note that to acknowledge paternity you do not have to prove that you are the child’s biological father. However, you commit an offense if you acknowledge the paternity of a child when you know that you are not the biological father.

Need of Acknowledging of paternity?

Acknowledgment of paternity means the putative father of a child born out of wedlock and the biological mother of the child may formally acknowledge paternity by executing an Acknowledgment of Paternity, or by signing a birth certificate, or other similar document completed soon after the birth of a child. 

FAQ For Acknowledging of paternity

Q1. What is the evidence for paternity cases?

Ans – Both parties may testify and present witnesses and the blood or DNA test results may be offered in evidence.

Q2. What is the rule of paternity?

Ans – Central government employees can take up to 15 days of paternity leave as per the Central Civil Services (Leave) Rules, 1972. This can be taken either before the baby’s birth or six months of the baby’s birth. As of now, there is no law mandating paternity leave in the private sector.

Q3. What is the Acknowledgement of parentage?

Ans – An Acknowledgment of Parentage that has been voluntarily signed by both parents has the same legal force and effect as a court order determining the child’s legal parentage and establishes the duty of both parents to provide support for the child.

Q4. Can a man deny paternity?

Ans – If you have talked to the other parent and he denies that he is the father of the child, he can sign a denial of paternity form.

Q5. Can paternity leave be rejected?

Ans – The paternity leave shall not normally be refused under any circumstances.

Q6. Can we break paternity leave?

Ans – Breaking up your paternity leave into smaller chunks offers several advantages, including Flexibility: Intermittent leave allows you to spread your time off over a more extended period, providing greater flexibility in managing your work-life balance.


I, ________________________________

aged ______years,

 Son of ________________________,

 Resident of_________)________________________________________________________________, do hereby declare and acknowledge that _____________________________________________

(Name of Child) aged ______ years

(here add full description and distinguishing marks of Child ) and residing with me is my legitimate son/daughter born to my lawfully wedded

wife _______________________________(Name of Wife),

daughter of ________________________________

whom I married on ________

at _____________________________ I have since the birth of the aforesaid treated him/her as my lawful son/daughter.




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