Cancellation of an Agreement

Cancellation an Agreement

What is a Cancellation Agreement?

A cancellation agreement is an agreement where the parties legally end their contractual relationship and then cancel the contract. The agreement specifies the parties, the cancellation reasons, and how and when the cancellation takes place. All parties in the original contract must sign the cancellation agreement. The agreement will include any obligations that survive the cancellation and may include an optional mutual release of claims.

The terms cancellation and termination are sometimes used interchangeably. However, a cancellation occurs when one party ends the contract because the other party has breached it. Termination can also refer to the legal ending of a contract without it being considered a breach.

Common Sections in Cancellation Agreements –

  • Cancellation of Cancellation Shares
  • Effective Date
  • Waiver
  • Representations by the Shareholder
  • Further Assurances
  • Entire Agreement; Amendments
  • Successors and Assigns
  • Governing Law
  • Severability
  • Miscellaneous

Need For Cancellation of an Agreement?

Cancellation of an agreement may be required in various scenarios. Both buyer and seller have the right to cancel the agreement. However, there must be a valid reason for cancelling the sale agreement. A few scenarios where a buyer may need to cancel a sale agreement have been given below:

  • The project is delayed inordinately. 
  • When the buyer is not in a position to honour the contract due to an emergency like death, etc
  • In case there is a delay from the seller’s end, then the buyer can be compensated according to the terms of the contract, including penalty interest to a notional rent, etc.

If the case is that the terms of the contract are not honoured by either of the parties, the aggrieved party has the right to legal recourse.

Who Helps With Cancellation Agreements?

Lawyers with backgrounds working on cancellation agreements work with clients to help. Do you need help with a cancellation agreement?

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) For Cancellation of an Agreement

Q1. How can an agreement be Cancelled?

Ans – A cancellation agreement is an agreement where the parties legally end their contractual relationship and cancel the contract. The agreement specifies the parties, the cancellation reasons, and how and when the cancellation takes place. All parties in the original contract must sign the cancellation agreement.

Q2. What is the rule of cancellation?

Ans – Cancellation charges are per passenger. If a confirmed ticket is cancelled within 48 hrs and up to 12 hours before the scheduled departure of the train, cancellation charges shall be 25% of the fare subject to the minimum flat rate mentioned in the above clause.

Q3. How many days do you have to cancel an agreement?

Ans – A federal law allows consumers to cancel contracts made with a door-to-door salesperson or anywhere other than the seller’s normal place of business within three days of signing. The three days is called a “cooling off” period.

Q4. Why are cancellation agreements important?

Ans – Cancellation agreements are necessary for your and your company’s protection in cases where it becomes necessary to cancel an original service agreement. 

Q5. Can I cancel a contract before it starts?

Ans – Yes, it is possible to cancel a contract before it commences, particularly if you act within a specific cooling-off period. During this cooling-off period, you have the right to cancel the contract without incurring legal consequences.


THIS AGREEMENT is made this the _________ day of _________,


The ________________________________ Company, a partnership firm duly registered under The Indian Partnership Act, 1932, with its office at _____________________________(hereinafter called the ‘‘Principal’’) of the one part


Shri ______________________________________,

aged about. _________years,

son of Shri __________________________________,

resident of ____________________________________________________, (hereinafter called the ‘‘Agent’’) of the other part. 

WHEREAS by an agreement, dated _________________________, the Principal herein had granted to the Agent herein exclusive rights to exploit, advertise and sell or cause to be sold the manufactured oil products of the Principal on commission basis, AND WHEREAS for some unavoidable reasons the Agent is unable to do the work under the said agreement and is willing to be released from his obligations under the said Agreement, provided the Principal refunds the advance of Rs ___________deposited by the Agent with the Principal under stamped receipt, dated _________. 


1. That in consideration of the refund of the said advance of Rs ______________ in full, the parties hereby agree to mutually release and relinquish their respective rights and obligations under the Agreement, dated ____________ entered into by the parties hereto. 

2. That pursuant to the Agreement herein, the parties hereto declare and agree that the Agreement, dated ____________, between them is hereby cancelled and rescinded and that no party shall be under any obligation thereunder. 

IN WITNESS whereof, the said________________________ _________ Company, acting through its partner, Shri __________________________ and the Agent, the said Shri_________________ _________ have hereunto signed at _________ the day and the year first above-written. 

Witnesses: Sd _________ Co., 





Sd _________ 


Note.—This is a document of release and must be stamped as such. 

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